So the ocean can keep making dinner,
we tackle the biggest pollution challenge: Carbon Emissions
Kogia | Karim Iliya
Carbon emissions are eroding the ocean’s ability to produce food, half our oxygen, and millions of livelihoods.
It’s time to clean up the mess.
People who depend on a healthy ocean are its most committed champions. We connect fishing communities, coastal Tribes and First Nations, seafood producers and resource managers with the tools and expertise they need:
Science to know what we are up against
Policy and technical skills to protect livelihoods, communities and ecosystems
Networks and allies to drive solutions
Technologies for change
Solutions that work for the ocean and for people who depend on it.
Clean energy
Sound policy
Resource management
The ocean doesn’t care where we solve the problem.
It cares that we do.

What We’re Reading

Credit: Alaska ShoreZone Program NOAA/NMFS/AKFSC; Courtesy of Mandy Lindeberg, NOAA/NMFS/AKFSC.