Help us defend the waters that sustain seafood supplies and livelihoods around the world.
Your support will combat ocean pollution by enabling us to help people document impacts, adapt, and fight back. It will also ensure we can continue other critical projects that keep the oceans making fish.
With only 10% overhead cost, you can be sure your dollars go where they’re really needed: protecting seafood at the source.
Global Ocean Health, formerly National Fisheries Conservation Center, is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your gift is tax-deductible to the full extent provided by law.
Legal name: Global Ocean Health
EIN: 91-1686596
PO Box 30615
Seattle, WA 98113

PCC Community Markets shoppers raise nearly $10k for Global Ocean Health.
A big “thank you” goes out to PCC Community Markets for generating $9,812.50 for Global Ocean Health in a point-of-sale fundraising campaign during July 2023, plus the same amount for Salmon Safe, an organization with which we proudly share some common aims (Salmon Safe works with businesses to protect salmon habitat).
This video (left) was prepared at PCC’s request to support the campaign, which enlisted consumers to chip in to protect healthy waters and fisheries.
Starting in 2019, Global Ocean Health has partnered with the Seattle-based, consumer-owned cooperative grocery chain to develop its Chinook salmon sourcing policy. The policy sets a high bar for avoiding potential Chinook prey of Southern Resident Killer Whales, along with strong, data-driven requirements for sustainability of the harvest. The sourcing standard led to PCC buying Chinook from a handful of small fisheries that meet the bar, including a Native fishery at Tulalip that exists by dint of extraordinary measures to restore habitat, protect wild fish and provide healthy salmon for people. As part of our partnership with PCC, we also provide the cooperative with advice on options to help increase resilience of Chinook fisheries and tackle root causes of the coastwide Chinook salmon decline.
PCC Community Markets shoppers raise nearly $10k for Global Ocean Health.

Credit: Alaska ShoreZone Program NOAA/NMFS/AKFSC; Courtesy of Mandy Lindeberg, NOAA/NMFS/AKFSC.