Global Ocean Health’s mission is to protect seafood supplies, coastal communities and marine ecosystems from consequences of unchecked pollution, especially from greenhouse gases, by enabling those who depend on healthy marine resources to tackle the underlying pollution and its consequences.
NOAA Photo Library, Dr. Sophie McCoy
Long ago the ocean mothered humankind. Later she saved our ancestors from the brink of extinction. Today she needs our help.
The ocean we stand for provides half our planet’s oxygen. Dinner for billions. Livelihoods for many millions. A livable climate. Rains that nourish our crops and cities. And more wonder than anyone can count.
From the deep sea to the mountain headwaters, the ocean and its tributaries offer sustenance, breath, water, and home to more than 90% of all life on Earth.
We envision an ocean that can keep making dinner. We work for a future in which human societies enjoy abundant seafood, healthy seas and thriving coastal communities by reducing pollution, converting waste streams into useful products, and aligning our economy with the natural systems upon which life depends.
Integral to this vision is the leadership of Tribes (whose knowledge and steadfast commitment to stewardship are indispensable) and communities who defend the waters that sustain us all.